2013年2月20日 星期三

BenQ China顯示器產品經理陳偉強做客泡泡網,談「科技成就用戶體驗」 (BenQ China monitor PM Vito Chen interviewed by PCPOP.com)


In January, BenQ China monitor PM Vito Chen gave an exclusive interview to digital products-focused website PCPOP.com. Prior to the actual interview session, PCPOP’s sales director and display channel editor-in-chief spoke with Vito about the flicker-free panel concept and BenQ’s product roadmap for the coming year. The sales director has always understood BenQ well, and strongly approves of our customer experience-centric product R&D approach, which coincidentally matches up well with PCPOP’s “fun IT” message. The editor developed the interview’s content based on this exchange—highlighting the theme of technology that makes a better user experience possible—and gave the piece a prominent position in the website layout.

