2013年2月20日 星期三

全球第一台不閃爍、極窄邊框液晶顯示器 BenQ VA LED 電腦液晶顯示器GW2760HS養眼機 (BenQ debuts GW2760HS VA LED monitor, world’s first flicker-free narrow-bezel LCD display)

BenQ一直致力研發結合科技與具健康概念的LED液晶顯示器,繼高對比顯示器廣受市場好評後,2013年針對護眼功能再升級,隆重推出全球第一台高對比不閃爍、極窄邊框的27吋LED液晶顯示器GW2760HS養眼機。GW2760HS使用獨家顯示穩定迴路技術讓畫面不再閃爍,無論亮度調整,皆能呈現清晰穩定的畫面,避免一般液晶顯示器調光過程的連續閃爍 (忽亮忽暗),有效舒緩眼睛疲累,減緩長時間注視螢幕產生的眼壓增高。同時GW2760HS 擁有業界最高靜態對比3000:1讓影像立體清晰不瞇眼的特性,雙管齊下讓螢幕成為養眼利器,讓注意健康護眼的消費者能更加安心。

BenQ has long dedicated itself to developing LED-backlit LCD monitors that combine advanced technology and features that address health concerns. After its high-contrast models received broad market acclaim, BenQ is enhancing the eye protection features in its models during 2013, introducing the world’s first high-contrast flicker-free narrow-bezel 27” LED-backlit LCD monitor: the GW2760HS. The GW2760HS uses exclusive image stabilization circuit technology to eliminate flicker. Regardless of how brightness is adjusted, the monitor displays a clear, stable picture, avoiding the flicker (abrupt shifts between bright and dark) that afflicts regular monitors when adjusting brightness. The GW2760HS thus effectively reduces eye fatigue, ameliorating eyestrain from extended periods of staring at the screen. At the same time, the GW2760HS possesses the industry’s highest static contrast ratio of 3000:1, giving the screen image stunning depth and clarity, allowing users to easily make out details without squinting. In this way, the monitor helps protect the eyes, providing greater peace of mind to health-conscious consumers.

