2014年8月11日 星期一

BenQ電競顯示器鼎力助陣IEM9新賽季!遊戲盛宴隆重揭幕! (BenQ gaming monitors help competitors achieve peak performance in new season of gaming league play)

7月16日,IEM第九賽季首站比賽在深圳動漫節上鳴鑼開戰。“英特爾極限大師杯賽” (Intel Extreme Master),是由Intel 德國公司與歐洲著名電子競技組織ESL(Electronic Sports League,電子競技聯盟)合作創立的以歐洲為基地的全球性賽事。BenQ專業電競顯示器為來自歐洲、美洲以及亞洲多個國家和地區的遊戲競技精英提供最專業的電競裝備,助力選手再創佳績。

On 16 July, the opening match of the Intel Extreme Master’s (IEM) ninth season of league play took place during the Shenzhen Animation Festival. IEM was jointly established by Intel Germany and Europe’s famed Electronic Sports League as a worldwide tournament based in Europe. BenQ’s gaming monitors provided the gaming masters from various countries in Europe, the Americas, and Asia with the most professional display for matchplay, helping them achieve their very best performance.

