2014年8月11日 星期一

BenQ Solar參與2014美國舊金山太陽光電展 高效太陽能解決方案為展場焦點 (BenQ Solar Showcased its High Power Solar Solutions at Intersolar North America 2014)

友達光電太陽能品牌BenQ Solar參加於美國舊金山所舉辦的太陽光電展(Intersolar North America 2014, Jul. 8~10)。為期三天的展期中,BenQ Solar展出涵蓋模組與儲能系統之太陽能解決方案。包括內建微型逆變器之交流電太陽能模組AC Unison PM250MA1,可較傳統型太陽能發電系統增加5-20%的發電量,安裝時間亦可大幅縮短;以及高效能太陽能模組GreenTriplex PM060M02,發電量最高可達290瓦;整合性儲能產品PowerLegato®亦讓參訪者留下深刻印象。BenQ Solar今年已是第三度參加此展,再次向業界證明能夠符合各類型市場不同需求之能力!

BenQ Solar, a division of AU Optronics, presented a series of its advanced solar solutions, ranging from module to storage product, at Intersolar North America (Jul. 8~10, 2014) which took place in San Francisco, USA. During this 3-day event, BenQ Solar demonstrated its ability to meet varied solar energy system requirements with the product portfolio including AC Unison PM250MA1, an AC module solution featuring a built-in microinverter that allows a faster installation and generating 5-20% more energy than traditional counterparts; and GreenTriplex PM060M02, a high efficiency PID-free solar module with an output range that extends up to 290W. Visitors were also impressed by the integrated energy storage system, PowerLegato®, which can provide efficient utilization of its stored energy and line power for residential and small commercial applications. By participating in this solar event for consecutive three years, BenQ Solar again proved its capability to satisfy different needs of different market segments!

