2014年8月11日 星期一

杭州之夜見證四星德國!BenQ投影機球迷狂歡活動完美收官!(BenQ’s World Cup parties to spotlight our projectors reach a perfect ending in Hangzhou)


After a month of festivities, the World Cup in Brazil finally arrived at its climactic end on 14 July with the championship match. As the world’s biggest DLP projector brand, BenQ jointly organized a series of events for World Cup fans at bars in cities throughout the country, using our projectors to give throngs of football fans the best viewing experience. As the World Cup was coming to an end, BenQ once again made our home projectors the centerpiece as we gathered with fans at a popular bar in Hangzhou where we all witnessed the Germans’ spectacular performance en route to their first World Cup championship in 24 years.

