2014年8月20日 星期三

得藝製作優質電影《共犯》9/26即將上映 (BenQ-backed Double Edge Entertainment’s widely anticipated new film Partners in Crime set for release 26 September)

今年,得藝推出了一部講述青少年疏離與認同的故事電影《共犯》 9/26 即將上映,張榮吉導演的《共犯》從命案事件出發鋪陳出校園人際的關係的不同層面,以懸疑風格打造這群寂寞的高中生想要求得認同卻不可得的青澀心情。

This year, Double Edge Entertainment is producing a movie about youth alienation and search for identity called Partners in Crime, and it will be released on 26 September. Chang Jung-Chi is directing the film, which uses a murder case to examine different aspects of interpersonal relationships on school campuses, using a suspenseful style to convey the tortured psyches of these lonely high school students as they seek affirmation but fail to achieve it.

