2015年4月16日 星期四

BenQ 2015 Q1波蘭電競活動贊助成果報告 (Grunex XL2430T, XL2730Z, F5 and T3 online and offline gaming activities Q1 2015 reporting in Poland)

BenQ 2015 Q1贊助波蘭電競活動Grunex,以線上活動的方式推廣電競顯示螢幕,也進行智慧型手機的推廣活動。

The main points of Q1/2015 mkt gaming activities:
> Online banner/fullbrand campaigns on XL2430T, XL2730Z, F5, T3 linked to e-tail CZC.cz
> PR product articles campaings on BenQ Mobiles (F5, T3) and BenQ  27“ gaming monitors on biggest CZ/SK gaming media
> Other projects – brand/product propagation to share brand awareness (contests, videos etc.)
> Special projects – IEM 2015, „Players choice“ community poll

