BenQ「超絢彩黑湛屏」RW系列65型結合世足賽事,舉辦「BenQ 呼朋引”爸”揪團轟趴活動-大尺寸電視看世足」,從六月中開打舉辦以來,網路口碑持續熱烈發酵。更於前日總冠軍賽再度舉辦體驗活動,在最舒適的五星級飯店環境透過 BenQ 提供的超絢彩黑湛屏 65 型大尺寸液晶,觀賞大畫面 HD 畫質現場 Live 直播的震撼,為整波行銷活動畫下完美的句點。
BenQ’s VA-LCD-based 65” RW series flat-screen TVs were boosted by a campaign coinciding with the World Cup that invited consumers to form groups to watch matches on a BenQ large-screen TV. Since the campaign began in mid-June, online buzz continued to build. On the day of the finals, BenQ held a product tryout event, giving people a chance to watch the match in the luxurious setting of a five-star hotel stateroom on a BenQ-supplied VA-LCD 65” large-screen flat-panel TV. They could enjoy the stunning big-picture, high-definition live action, providing a perfect climax to the campaign as a whole.