夏天的腳步越來越近,也是戶外活動的旺季, BenQ SP1 再推出潛水、公路車、極限滑板、飛行傘精彩實拍影片,帶你一窺墾丁靜謐的海底景色,日月潭絕美自行車道、徜徉宜蘭外澳的藍天,以及青春熱血的滑板炫技。SP1運動攝影機,陸、海、空極限零極限,以玩家第一視角記錄精彩的瞬間! 請點選連結觀看Youtube實拍影片,建議選擇1080p HD畫質。
Summer is almost upon us. As the peak season for outdoor activities approaches, BenQ Taiwan is releasing exciting real-life videos of scuba diving, road biking, extreme skateboarding, and hang gliding—all shot with the SP1. These videos let you view the tranquil scene on the ocean floor off Kenting, navigate the gorgeous bicycling paths encircling Sun Moon Lake, cruise through the blue skies above Wai-ao in Ilan County, and feel the youthful passion conveyed in amazing skateboarding stunts. The SP1 sports camera captures the thrills of extreme sports on land, sea, and air—from the perspective of the adventurer himself or herself. Click on the link to view the actual video on YouTube—and for the most riveting experience, choose 1080 HD playback.