BenQ贊助英國Electric Pedals,在戶外以人力發電方式播放影片,幫助偏遠地區並實踐企業社會責任。
Electric bicycle powered outdoor theater. GP10 product sponsoring for pedal powered cinema in Indonesia
蒐整包括BenQ品牌各公司的新產品、公司內外部活動、BenQ品牌全球業務區的大大小小各種消息,給集團內部同仁。myBenQ express藉由收集這些來自海外以及各公司的訊息,讓我們更快速、更廣泛的得知BenQ品牌的全部新聞。 We have compiled news, major and minor, about new products and internal events at BenQ brand companies, and from BenQ brand sales regions globally. myBenQ express enables us to more quickly gain a more thorough understanding of the news about the BenQ brand by collecting this information from around the world and all the companies in the BenQ family.