2014年3月17日 星期一

BQtw於八德商圈-台北秋葉原安排液晶顯示器燈箱廣告 (BQtw promotes displays through light box advertising in Taipei’s electronics shopping district)

BenQ 低藍光螢幕廣受消費者肯定與支持,目前更在台北秋葉原- 八德商圈安排戶外式的燈箱廣告曝光,藉由金魚趣味的主視覺引起消費者注意,並讓消費者更加了解護眼螢幕的重要。

BenQ’s low-blue light monitors have been well received by consumers. These monitors are currently the focus of outdoor light box advertising located in Taipei’s largest electronics shopping district. A playful goldfish theme gets the attention of passersby, and the advertising itself enables consumers to gain an understanding of the importance of eye-protective displays.

