2014年3月17日 星期一

BenQ GL2250 顯示器在荷蘭獲好評 (Best buy GL2250 as budget and basic gaming system in Tweakers.net in The Netherlands)

BenQ GL2250 顯示器獲荷蘭媒體Tweakers.net好評,提到GL2250是在基礎預算下的高畫質顯示器。


In the budget and basic gaming system, we can with a simple full hd monitor. The advantage of this monitor is that the price is low and it has a DVI connector, which allows us to obtain a sharper image. However with this monitor, these dvi cable must be ordered separately, since only a standard VGA cable is included separately. The screen measures 21.5 inches and features a TN panel.

