2014年3月17日 星期一

BenQ 日本粉絲專頁與韓國部落格上線 (BenQ Japan Facebook and BenQ Korea Blog are on air!)

BenQ 日本粉絲專頁與韓國部落格上線 (BenQ Japan Facebook and BenQ Korea Blog are on air!)

BenQ 日本粉絲專頁與韓國部落格上線,拓展更多與消費者接觸的管道。
Nowdays, people are used to get all kinds of information from social media platform, and in February, besides Twitter, BenQ Japan launched its Facebook Page, while BenQ  Korea introduced its official blog to provide more BenQ news.

BenQ Japan’s facebook page is focusing on product information and event messages (Link: https://www.facebook.com/BenQJapan)

BenQ Korea Blog on Naver gives in-depth stories about BenQ’s vision, new technologies and products also local events and achievements. Till now, there’re 211 RSS registers, 9,880 visitors and 13,900 page views in February.
(Link: http://benqblog.co.kr/)

