2014年2月12日 星期三

台灣區 專為設計而生的PG/BL 系列,校園設計講座巡迴 (Design-oriented PG/BL series subject of campus design seminar tour in Taiwan)

BenQ透過與不同產業的專家合作,深入經營分眾市場,推出針對設計族群所推出的PG/BL專業機種,深入至全國大專院校設計學系,舉辦體驗講座會,講座中學生們以超高解析度與獨家CAD/CAM的BL2710PT 與專業色彩管理的PG2401PT機種來展現出精確3D線條與精準的色彩,並感到其與眾不同的產品優勢,並表示如有機會會和其他學生推薦BenQ液晶顯示器。

BenQ is collaborating with experts in different industries to develop products for specialized markets, including the PG/BL series monitors for designers. To promote these displays to design departments at institutions of higher education throughout Taiwan, BenQ organized a series of hands-on workshops. Students at the events used the BL2710PT with its ultra-high resolution and exclusive CAD/CAM mode and the PG2401PT with its professional color management features to render intricate 3D contours and high-precision color, experiencing the unique product advantages of BenQ’s monitors as they did. Students stated that they would recommend BenQ LCD monitors to other students.

