2014年2月12日 星期三

BenQ 台灣區 獲專業雜誌 2013 科技趨勢金獎 (BenQ awarded the annual Technology Trends Gold Medal in Taiwan)

"由《PC home電腦家庭雜誌》、《PC ADV電腦王雜誌》及《T客邦網站》舉辦的「年度科技趨勢金獎」,今年已達第六屆,由學者專家、 3C 編輯、知名部落客、科技領域專業人士共同組成評審團,經實機試用、投票、討論,共同評選出年度不分類的優質 3C 產品;同時也透過網路投票,以評估3C產品在網友心中的人氣指標,列入評審參考依據之一。此次BenQ 四項產品同時獲得「PCHOME 2013 科技趨勢金獎」肯定,再次印證BenQ 產品以使用者為中心的功能設計理念獲得專家與使用者推薦!

「 2013 年度科技趨勢金獎」得獎名單:
∙BenQ  家庭雲•電視上網精靈JD-130-影音娛樂類「傑出科技金獎」
∙BenQ黑湛屏大型液晶極窄系列-RV系列50RV6500 -影音娛樂類「特別推薦金獎」
∙BenQ W1500 Full HD 無線三坪機 -影音娛樂類「人氣風雲金獎」"

Organized by PCHome magazine, PC home Advance magazine, and the Techbang website, the annual Technology Trends Gold Medal awards marked its sixth year. A jury comprised of experts from academia, editors from 3C-themed media, well-known bloggers, and leading tech professionals personally tested, discussed, and voted on the competing products, jointly selecting the most outstanding 3C products of the year in a range of categories. The results of an online survey of regular consumers was also one of the factors considered in determining the winners. This year, four BenQ products were honored with an award, once again demonstrating that BenQ’s user-centric design philosophy is winning us recommendations from both experts and users.

2013 Technology Trends Gold Medal winners

  • BenQ JD-130 Internet dongle for TVs with home cloud platform, “Outstanding Technology Gold Medal” in the multimedia entertainment category
  • BenQ 50RV6500 VA-LCD large-screen flat-panel television, “Special Recommendation Gold Medal” in the multimedia entertainment category
  • BenQ EW2740L low-blue light LCD monitor, “Special Recommendation Gold Medal” in the computer peripherals category
  • BenQ W1500 Full HD wireless short-throw projector, “Popular Choice Gold Medal” in the multimedia entertainment category

