2014年2月12日 星期三

BenQ家用投影機獲印度媒體好評 ([India] W1080ST & W1070 Reviews on “Install or not” & “Techmagnifier” )

BenQ W1080ST和W1070家用投影機獲印度媒體「Install or not」和「Techmagnifier」好評。

‘BenQ W1080ST can be a perfect home theater companion with decent audio output and is easy to install and setup. It is especially suited for those who don’t want to permanently install it but just enjoy a big picture from time to time even in different places.’, install or not

‘BenQ W1070 can be considered amongst the best performing projectors in the price for viewing 2D content and immersive 3D in a pitch dark room… considering the image quality of W1070, it can very much act as a replacement of a TV much more expensive than its own price.’, Tech Magnifier

