2014年2月16日 星期日

BenQ China 2014新春團拜暨元宵喜樂會 (BenQ China 2014 celebrates arrival of new year with party)

新年新氣象,雙節慶團拜!BQC 新春團拜暨元宵喜樂會於2/14上午9:00歡樂開場。




Table after table of poker cards gave the place the feel of a Macao casino. At the venue, one heard bursts of applause and laughter, testifying to the great appeal of the prizes up for grabs. The next climax was provided by a quiz show in which contestants were asked to quickly state the name of a song after reading a fragment of its lyrics, testing not only their knowledge but speed. A prodigy in the subject matter emerged in the course of the show, causing much merriment. After the exciting game, executives expressed their best wishes for the new year to everyone, as well their hope that BenQ will prosper in this year of the horse.

In addition, because this year 14 February happened to be both the Chinese Lantern Festival and Valentine’s Day, BQC colleagues made special stuffed dumplings in the shape of a heart, a personalized sweet treat, for their friends and significant others.

General Manager Tony treated everyone to stuffed dumplings. The sincere best wishes, thoughtful massages, heartfelt embraces, and intoxicating kisses shared during the event lent the BenQ family even greater warmth.

