2013年9月11日 星期三

BenQ遊戲顯示器XL2420T 成為CFPL S4大賽指定裝備 (BenQ’s XL2420T gaming monitor named official monitor for CFPL S4 tournament)

令千萬遊戲玩家引頸期待的CFPL 穿越火線職業聯盟電視聯賽第四賽季(簡稱CFPL S4)即將於9月打響!BenQ為CFPL職業聯賽官方指定唯一顯示器品牌,BenQ出品的XL2420T旗艦電競遊戲顯示器亦將成為CFPL S4指定比賽用機,全力助陣國內8支頂級CF職業戰隊決戰上海,為爭奪總冠軍更為成就電競夢想而拼搏。目前已獲參賽資格的各支戰隊正在積極備戰中。

Eagerly anticipated by a huge numbers of gamers, the fourth season of the CrossFire Professional League will finally take place in September. BenQ was named by league officials as the League’s only official monitor brand. BenQ’s XL2420T flagship gaming monitor will be used in tournament matches, where 8 of the country’s professional CF teams will battle for supremacy in Shanghai and claim the championship—and make their competitive gaming dreams a reality. Currently, the qualifying teams are busy preparing for the tournament.

