2013年9月11日 星期三

明基逐鹿參展2013全球化人力資本高峰會議 (BenQ Guru takes part in Summit on Globalization of Human Capital)

9月5日及9月6日明基逐鹿參展「2013全球化人力資本高峰會議SGHC」此一台灣年度規模最大的人資盛會,透過該國際交流平台,提供最新國際人資課題思維、工具應用,並透過彼此交流互動,激盪出更多新方案,啟動成長動能。明基逐鹿現場攤位則展示Guru HCM人才資本管理系統,全方位的功能模組及專業的資深顧問規劃導入,協助企業推動人資發展接軌國際並創造人才資本更高附加價值。

On 5 and 6 September, BenQ Guru took part in the Summit on Globalization of Human Capital (SGHC) for 2013. Taiwan’s largest event focused on human capital, SGHC provides an international platform for exchanging the newest ideas and tools for dealing with international human capital issues. Through the exchanges that take place throughout the summit, even more new solutions take shape, and new drivers of growth are set in motion. BenQ Guru used its booth at the venue to display its Guru HCM human capital management system. Its comprehensive functional modules and incorporation of professional consultancy planning assists companies in integrating human capital development with international resources, and helps them create greater value from human capital.

