2013年9月11日 星期三

BenQ不閃屏顯示器持續獲日本消費者好評 (Continuous GW2760HS review and users’ sharing in Japan)

BenQ GW2760HS 不閃屏顯示器持續獲日本消費者的使用與好評,護眼不閃爍、VA面板等功能規格均受喜愛。

GW2760HS was introduced as a high quality LCD monitor for its outstanding image performance on MyNavi.

The flicker-free feature is definitely a plus for this 27” monitor. In the review it showcased different display modes for scenarios like movie watching, game playing and photo viewing. As a result, GW2760HS was recommended to all users with all sorts of usages.

On Watchmono, there was a pretty good user experience sharing. The user has been using GW2760HS for 2 months and he is very satisfied with it due to the VA panel, picture quality, Senseye 3 and built-in speakers. Flicker-free technology was brought out for its benefits to eye health.

