2013年9月11日 星期三
BenQ G1全能自拍神器 伴模力女孩三強臺灣行 (BenQ’s G1 self-portrait camera accompanies model search contest winners on Taiwan trip)
伴隨廣大自拍達人和熱心網友的共同期盼,在BenQ G1中國模力女孩大賽中一路過關斬將、獲選三強的三位“模力女孩”——曾曉夏、鮑菲與馬雨希日前抵達臺北,正式開始為期兩周的臺灣自由行與令人心動的專業模特培訓以及時尚大片拍攝計畫。在經過首日的輕鬆觀光和大快朵頤之後,模力四射的女孩們第二天下午又來到BenQ臺北“好攝學園”,在攝影達人與專業講師熱心分享中,收穫了滿滿的攝影訣竅與心得。
Bringing with them the best hopes of large numbers of self-photography enthusiasts and eager online fans, the three finalists of the BenQ G1 China model search contest—Summer Zeng, Faye Bao, and Sissi Ma—arrived in Taipei to officially commence a two-week trip around Taiwan along with professional model training and filming of a special fashion-themed movie. After a first day of relaxed sightseeing and dining, on the second day the charming young women spent the afternoon at the BenQ Photo Club in Taipei, learning photography tips and know-how enthusiastically shared by the photography experts and professional lecturers there.
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