2013年9月11日 星期三

BenQ 參加日本SAOMT夏季電競大賽 (BenQ participated SAOMT 2013 Summer – August 3rd in Kobe)

BenQ 參加日本SAOMT (Sudden Attack Official Master Tournament)夏季電競大賽,強襲日本電玩玩家!BenQ贊助了10台電競顯示器加入盛會。

SAOMT (Sudden Attack Official Master Tournament) was hosted by Nexon to promote Sudden Attack in Japan and over 500 people were attracted to witness the live matches at Kobe Fashion Museum on August 3rd. BenQ Japan supported 10 units of XL2420T for stage competition and 1 unit for lucky draw and also have brand exposure on event website and stage backdrop.

