2013年9月11日 星期三
「佈局新視界 共盈新未來」 明基BenQ 2013 LCD中國經銷商大會 (BenQ holds Chinese LCD monitor distributor meeting for 2013)
明基BenQ 2013 LCD中國經銷商大會——“佈局新世界,共盈新未來”於8月21~23日在西雙版納舉行,共有112位元來自全國各地的代理商夥伴和明基同仁參加。我們同代理商分享了在新市場環境下明基顯示器產品策略佈局與因應之道,堅定了代理商對明基顯示器產品的信心;同時展示了不閃屏全系列新品、電競遊戲、時尚家用、專業領域顯示器,甚至還有明基顯示器在網吧中的應用情景,其中新上市的旗艦影音EW40系列、專業色准顯示器PG2410PT 、PIO一體機引起了大家強烈的反響。明基在細分市場的前瞻性佈局將成為與代理商夥伴共“盈”未來的利器,讓我們以“猛巴拉娜西——夢想成真的地方”西雙版納為起點,衝刺新的佳績。
BenQ’s Chinese LCD monitor distributor meeting took place from 21 to 23 August in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture (Xidai), and there was a total of 112 participants from distribution partners throughout the country, as well as a number of BenQ colleagues, in attendance. We shared with distributors BenQ’s monitor product strategies in the face of new market conditions, reinforcing their confidence in BenQ’s monitor offerings. We also exhibited our full lineup of new flicker-free models, and monitors for competitive gaming, for style-conscious families, and for the professional space. We even set up a realistic demo to show BenQ monitors in use in an Internet cafe setting. Our new flagship multimedia powerhouse EW40 series, pro color-calibrated PG2410PT, and PIO all-in-one attracted especially intense interest. BenQ’s bold move to target specific market segments with our monitors will become the foundation on which we build shared success with distribution partners. Let us make Xidai the beginning of our drive to new sales peaks.
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