2012年11月13日 星期二
BenQ台灣區VA 螢幕前進全省指標商圈 高對比體驗活動開跑! (Taiwan events let people experience the high contrast ratio of VA-LCD monitors)
BenQ VA LED 電腦液晶顯示器第二代全新進化,真實對比5000:1能讓畫質立體鮮明,高對比的特色讓暗色細節更完美呈現!台灣區為了讓更多消費者能親身體驗超人氣VA液晶螢幕,於10/20、10/26與10/27三天分別於北、中、南指標商圈舉辦roadshow,讓消費者可以零距離體驗BenQ VA LED液晶螢幕高對比的特色!
The new, second generation of BenQ LED-backlit VA-LCD monitors has arrived, bringing native 5000:1 contrast ratio for more vividly rendered detail, notably even in dimly lit areas of the screen image. To give more consumers an opportunity to experience BenQ’s popular VA-LCD monitors, BenQ Taiwan put on roadshows at leading shopping districts in northern, central, and southern Taiwan on the 20th, 26th, and 27th of October, respectively. Consumers were able to experience the appeal of these monitors’ high contrast ratio at close range.
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