2012年11月13日 星期二

BenQ智能節能商務投影機中國上市 (BenQ’s SmartEco business-oriented projectors debut in China)

BenQ China近日發佈了一系列採用TI DDP4421方案的「新5系」商務投影機——MS517F/MX518F/MX520,這是新一代晶片的首次大規模商業化運用,足足領先其他品牌3-6個月。新平臺的採用大大提升了商務投影機技術含量,如3D相容性、智慧省電、6500小時燈泡壽命、介面擴展性等,令BenQ投影機在高度同質化,高度低價導向的商務市場脫穎而出。

BenQ China recently announced a new family of projectors using TI’s DDP4421 solution for the business market—the “New 5 Series”. The product family, which includes the MS517F, MX518F, and MX520, represents the first large-scale business-oriented use of a new generation of projector chips, and shows BenQ leading other brands by three to six months. The adoption of the new platform dramatically increases the technological sophistication of business projectors, adding for example, 3D compatibility, smart power saving, 6500-hour extended lamp lifespan, and expanded connection interface options. These advantages allow BenQ to stand out in the highly commoditized and cost-sensitive business market.

