2012年11月13日 星期二
勇敢 BenQ 愛健行 11/3(六) 草嶺古道健行活動 (BenQers take to the hills for hike along historic trail)
一年一度的芒花季, 230 位的BenQer ,體驗了草嶺古道芒花開,漫步健行養生好,回憶滿滿。 【熱情計畫 Passion Program】勇敢BenQ愛健行 11/3( 六 ) ,天氣相當的舒爽宜人,我們選擇不一樣的旅行方式,搭乘區間車,踏上草嶺古道跨越百年山海的時光長廊。
230 BenQers experienced the annual flowering of silver grass along the Caoling Historic Trail on a memorable outing on 3 November. Part of BenQ’s Passion Program, the hike fortunately coincided with some lovely autumn weather. Something else that made the trip special was that we rode a local train to the trail, seeming to step back a century in time.
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