2012年11月13日 星期二
BenQ China數碼再發26X國產長焦王GH650 (BenQ China releases locally-produced 26x-zoom GH650)
為帶給攝影愛好者更大的自由空間,同時也為了能夠在長焦領域趁勝追擊、擴大戰果, BenQ近日再發新彈!此次,BenQ為大家帶來的是一款採用36mm大口徑鏡頭、擁有26X光學變焦能力,兼具720p高清視頻錄製功能的1600萬畫素國產最強長焦相機GH650。
To provide photography buffs with greater scope to show their skills and enjoy their hobby, as well as build on momentum established in the high-zoom segment and expand sales, BenQ recently announced a new digital camera. For this model, BenQ is using a large-diameter 36mm lens with 26x optical zoom. China’s strongest domestically produced high-zoom camera, the GH650 also features the capability to shoot high-res 720p, 16-megapixel video.
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