BenQ Australia參加位於雪梨的影音展,W7000+以畫質與音效方面的優異表現廣獲注意,3D投影機種W1080ST也獲得正向回饋。
From Oct.19th to 21st, BenQ Australia joined Audio and AV show at Sheraton hotel in Sydney with its AV partner, Westan and got many positive feedbacks from visitors. In this event, W7000+ had been well demonstrated with the concert video and visitors were impressed with the sharp and smooth projection quality which was recognized better than the tier-one brand. The new model W1080ST was also showcased to get initial consumers’ feedbacks, 3D image with short-throw distance were much appreciated. In 3 days, around 8,000 visitors attend the show. Meanwhile, besides AV show, BenQ Australia launched print AD on “Sound+Image” to promote W7000+ and to increase more video projector exposure.