2012年11月13日 星期二
BenQ China 2012應屆新人實習答辯會 (BenQ China holds new employee training, Q&A sessions for 2012)
BenQ China新人們經歷了新人訓、站店、崗位實習和答辯會,經歷了從學生到社會人的蛻變; 三個月裡,他們融入BenQ,理解BenQ Spirit、他們掌握了產品知識和銷售技巧,他們學會了團隊協作和自我展示!不論是從「定位TOP Sales」到「歡樂的Marcom」,還是從「做快樂吸水海綿」的終端管理到「在活動中成長」的HR再到「我為人人,服務至上」的客服,雖然稚嫩和青澀還是能從談吐間感知出來,但是成長和進步也能從答辯展示中感覺得到。2012明基新人一路走來,褪去了稚嫩,收穫了成長!
New BenQ China employees attended an orientation course, received position-specific job training, and participated in a Q&A session, making the transition from students to productive members of society. During those three months, they assimilated into BenQ, came to understand the BenQ Spirit, and mastered knowledge about products and sales techniques. They learned how to work on a team and how to show what they’re capable of. Whether in sales or marketing, client management or human resources, or customer service, these new BenQers, while their inexperience might be noticeable, made their growth and progress evident during the Q&A session. BenQ’s newcomers in 2012 have cast off the callowness of youth and gained maturity.
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