2014年2月12日 星期三

BQtw 「BenQ新春開學季」好康大放送 (BQtw offers discounts as new school term begins)

資訊爆炸的時代,生活愈來愈離不開電腦,除了工作需求之外,在校生準備報告也常需上網蒐集資料。在年關將近的時刻,許多人正準備購入電腦為新的一年做好準備,BenQ 為照顧廣大的3C 族群們,推出護眼螢幕新春開學方案。從今年1月15日起到2月28日止,活動期間於BenQ 全省通路購買BenQ 護眼不閃屏液晶顯示器系列機種,上BenQ 官網登錄並完成「新春開學季」產品好評,即有機會抽中最高新台幣30,000元BenQ獎學金,還有專業電競滑鼠好禮;若購買最新低藍光護眼螢幕系列,再加抽10,000元,讓使用者保護雙眼同時享有好康。

In the Information Age in which we live, computers are increasingly intertwined in the fabric of daily life. Besides being required by people in the workplace, computers are needed by students to collect online information needed for reports and other school assignments. With the arrival of the new year, many people have purchased new computers in preparation for new challenges.

For the benefits of the broader 3C user community, BenQ has launched a back-to-school promotion featuring our eye-protective monitors. From 15 January to 28 February, anyone who purchases a BenQ eye-protective flicker-free LCD monitor at any BenQ retailer throughout Taiwan and completes a positive review after registering on the official BenQ website has a chance to win BenQ scholarships worth up to NTD30,000, as well as being eligible for giveaways of gaming mice. Consumers who purchase one of BenQ’s newest line of low-blue light eye-protective monitors are entered in a drawing for an additional NTD10,000, further encouraging them to safeguard their eyes.

