2014年2月12日 星期三

明基三豐參加2014杜拜國際醫療展 (BenQ Medical Technology took part in the Arab Health 2014 exhibition)

明基三豐於2014.01.27~30參加2014年杜拜國際醫療展,該展會為中東地區最大的專業醫療展,每年均匯集來自全球數十萬名以上的專業買主參加。此次展出全功能電動油壓手術台、最新技術的LED無影手術燈、可攜式數位彩色超音波以及怡安醫療的醫用耗材並搭配手術房解決方案- IQ OR,將手術前的檢查、術中的環境與設備控制以及術後的醫療報告做結合,提供一體化的手術室解決方案,豐富的產品與優異的特點,吸引眾多買主的詢問,為進一步開拓中東市場奠定良好的基礎。

BenQ Medical Technology took part in the Arab Health 2014 exhibition that ran from 27 to 30 January in Dubai. The largest health care exhibition in the Middle East, the event attracts tens of thousands of buyers from around the world every year. This year, BenQ exhibited its full-function electric hydraulic surgical table, next-generation LED-based shadow-free surgical lighting system, portable digital color ultrasonic scanner, and Lily Medical Corporation medical supplies. In addition, these were complemented by a solution for operating rooms—IQ OR, which combines pre-operative examination, surgical environment and equipment control, and post-surgery medical reporting. IQ OR offers an all-in-one surgery solution, with a rich array of products and outstanding features, attracting numerous inquiries from buyers, and establishing an excellent foundation for further development of the Middle East market.

