2014年2月12日 星期三

BenQ 護眼不閃屏獲日本使用者好評 ([Japan] GL2450HT, GL2460HM & BL2411PT User reviews on Zigsow)

BenQ GL/BL系列顯示器獲日本使用者好評,六篇使用者的經驗在Zigsow上線,一致認為護眼功能確實的保護了眼睛健康。

6 user reviews regarding Flicker-free monitors were generated and posted on Zigsow. Most of the users compared the Flicker-free models with others and were very satisfied with the benefits BenQ Eye-care monitors offered. Some users mentioned that their CVS and neck/shoulder pain were improved adopting Eye-care monitors. These reviews were pretty positive results.

