2014年2月12日 星期三

BenQ 台灣區G2F全省消費者體驗會美麗起跑 (Consumer hands-on events for the G2F begin in Taiwan)

G2F於2013/12/28-2014/1/18 共舉辦 10 場 "一起玩美! 晚美自拍女王募集!"活動,場次包含台北、台中、高雄,代言人安唯綾也出席部分體驗會,和晚美大使共同邀請現場正妹體驗G2F晚美自拍機的魅力。另有型男大使於街頭直擊,不少女孩第一次試用夜自拍蘋果光就立即上手!現場不論是燈光較暗的lounge bar、甜點店、熱門的西門町或新崛江街頭,大家都能以G2F拍出自然且漂亮的照片,這些自拍照也同時上傳BenQ Facebook 晚美自拍千人正妹牆,請大家一同眼見為憑:

From 28 December 2013 to 18 January 2014, BenQ held ten hands-on events with the G2F camera featuring spokesperson Ann Wei Long. The events took place in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung and members of the audience were invited to experience the appeal of the G2F and its low-light beautifying effect for themselves. On the street, stylish men invited young women to try out the effect in self-portraits, and many of them became expert users instantly. Whether in dimly lit lounge bars, sweets shops, or popular shopping districts, everyone was able to take beautiful, natural-looking photos of themselves. These self-portraits with the beautifying effect applied were uploaded to an exclusive area on BenQ’s Facebook where you can see them for yourself:

