2016年5月9日 星期一

光智慧護眼螢幕 內外兼具保護雙眼 (Smart Eye-care monitor protects the eyes)

BenQ護眼螢幕再進化! 推出2016重量新品27吋新款「光智慧護眼螢幕EW2775ZH」,內建世界首創「光智慧」技術,能同時偵測螢幕內、外明暗變化,呈現最完美的亮度與顏色,讓眼睛觀看更舒適,降低過強或過暗人工光害,新品發表會中邀請明基台灣區總經理Robert與團隊,親自與媒體朋友說明產品重點與產業方向,同時亦邀請珍視明眼科診所院長王孟祺醫師出席,以專業眼科專家來分享臨床案例與護眼知識,預計將引領新一代護眼議題!

The next advance in BenQ's Eye-care monitors is here. We have launched a major new update to the line for 2016 with the 27" smart technology-enhanced EW2775ZH. The new monitor is the world's first to incorporate "light-smart" technology, which it enables it to monitor changes in both internal and external light levels, presenting the ideal brightness and colors to provide more comfortable viewing and reduce the hazards of overly strong or dark artificial lighting. For the product launch, we invited BenQ Taiwan general manager Robert and his team to personally brief assembled media on the product's key features and industry directions. Also making an appearance was physician Wang Meng-qi, president of the Trust Me Eye Center, who drew on his professional experience to share clinical cases and eye care facts. The event is expected to ignite another wave of attention on eye care issues.
During the same time frame, we aired a creative ad that aimed to enable consumers to more quickly gain an understanding of the features of "light-smart" Eye-care monitors. The ad adopted the familiar style of a true-crime documentary, with a storyline of a detective investigating an unsolved case. The detective's meticulous investigation takes advantage of a light-smart monitor to discovered some hidden clues, and the clever plot incorporates the product throughout without seeming forced, giving consumers an easily absorbed lesson on the product's features and how to use them.

