全球首款專為設計師/視覺相關工作所開發設計的LED投影機-BenQ顏值機CH100 輕薄優美上市。CH100提供設計師外出提案專業方案,Full HD搭載sRGB色域標準,精準詮釋色調不失真;13”筆電大小、一手掌握的6公分薄度及全白圓弧機身設計及全觸控介面,輕鬆外出提案夠吸睛。內建10W喇叭及短焦技術,滿足多種簡報室的需求;LED光源,保證2萬小時色彩恆吸睛。
The world's first LED projector developed specifically for designers and imaging work, the sleek and beautiful CH100 sRGB projector, has debuted. The CH100 offers designers a professional solution for giving presentations, and with Full HD resolution and sRGB color space support, the CH100 renders both fine detail and subtle color differences with outstanding fidelity. With the dimensions of a 13" laptop and easily held in one hand at just 6 centimeters in thickness, the CH100 features a white contoured housing and fully touch-based interface—it's a mobile projector that's convenient to carry, with sleek attention-getting looks to boot. Built-in 10W speakers and short-throw technology accommodate varied presentation environments, while the LED light source offers 20,000 hours of brightly illuminated, brilliantly colored presentations.