2016年5月12日 星期四
BenQ China高端專業顯示器亮相中國國際照相機械影像器材與技術博覽會(CHINA P&E)(BenQ China's high-end professional monitor makes appearance at imaging exhibition)
4月22日至25日,中國國際照相機械影像器材與技術博覽會(CHINA P&E)在北京國家會議中心順利舉辦,展會面積23500平方米,超過百家參展商與會。吸引了全國各地眾多攝影、印刷、影視後制等行業的高端用戶前來參觀。其中BenQ立足影像顯示專家帶來的多款專業級顯示器,覆蓋了設計攝影行業、印刷等專業行業,吸引了眾多觀眾駐足參觀。中國著名攝影大師韓冬、蘇航也在展會期間前往BenQ展臺參觀
From April 22 to 25, the China International Photograph & Electrical Imaging Machinery and Technology Fair (China P&E) had a successful run at the China National Convention Center in Beijing. The exhibition space spanned 23,500 square meters and more than 100 vendors participated. The event attracted large numbers of pro photography, print industry, and video post-production users from across the country. Attendees were drawn to BenQ's professional-class monitors, which have established us as imaging specialists in these fields. Renowned Chinese photographers Han Dong and Su Hang visited BenQ China's booth during the exhibition as well.
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