1.2.3 準備好了,歡迎體驗最舒適的個人影音饗宴,享受BenQ為您準備的視覺新樂趣!全新護眼螢幕EW2775ZH首創「光智慧」功能,內外智慧感光,除可感應外部環境光源,自動調整螢幕亮度,減輕眼睛的負擔外;更可根據播放畫面,智慧調校出最佳的明暗亮度與對比效果,使影像暗部細節更出色。同時偵測螢幕內、外明暗變化,就能呈現最完美的亮度與顏色,讓眼睛觀看更舒適,降低過強或過暗的光線刺激,保護眼睛健康,讓影音娛樂更完整。
Get ready for the most comfortable viewing experience ever as you enjoy the visual feast that BenQ has prepared. The all-new EW2775ZH Eye-care monitor is the world's first display with "light-smart" functionality, incorporating both internal and external smart photosensors. Not only can it monitor and adapt to varying light levels in the viewing environment, automatically adjusting screen luminance to reduce eyestrain, but it can also intelligently calibrate brightness and contrast to bring out detail in darker areas of on-screen content. The result is ideal picture quality, for the best possible eye comfort, reducing irritation from overly strong or weak lighting, protecting eye health and offering the best experience of digital entertainment.