『BenQ電視上網精靈JD-150』網路活動“追劇神器之經典台詞,你來演”, 請大家來軋一腳,從經典台詞中,選出一組,搭配自認為最有梗的照片,上傳來分享!每週選出2位得獎者,進行四週,再從8位得獎者中,選出一位獲得43吋不閃屏電視一台!這些獎者,無論是表情、與台詞劇情的符合度及創意度,都非常的到位,我們來看看所有得獎者的演出!
BenQ’s JD-150 smart TV Android dongle is the subject of an promotion targeted at viewers of online TV series episodes. The promotion invites them to select a set of classic lines from a favorite TV series, and upload them for online sharing along with a photograph. Each week for a total of four weeks, two winners will be selected and awarded prizes, and from these eight prizewinners, one will be chosen to receive a 43” flicker-free flat-panel TV! All of these winning entrants have achieved a great effect through the vivid expressions in their photographs and their creativity in matching the scene to the storyline behind the lines they used. Check out the star turns of the winners!