■Guests:Media : 22
Retailer, Distributor and others : 22
■Display Products:
Gaming : XR3501x4, XL2430Tx1, RL2755HMx1, XL2730Zx1
Others : BL3201PT(4K) vs GW2760HM(Full HD), BL2420PT, GL2460HM, GW2470H
Sample only : EW2750ZL
We introduced new products and the launch of our new technology for distributors, retailers and Media. We mainly demonstrated XR and Gaming Monitors.
It was good event experience featuring our sponsorship with DetonatioN and JCG.
We generated good exposure to position our monitors as the best gaming monitors.
In spite of heavy rain, 44 people stopped by our event to enjoy the demonstration.
We received favorable reactions to this kind of “Touch & Feel” event.
XR3501 demo received favorable reactions. Many people were very interested in our gaming monitor series. The selling price here is going to be over JPY 120,000. This is one of the key points to select and buy gaming monitor for gamers.
We expect media exposure throughout the coming months.