2015年7月13日 星期一

明基醫院南京院區消息 (Nanjing BenQ Medical Center news)

6月12日上午,南京院區隆重舉辦江蘇省監獄管理局南京明基醫院“專用病房”啟用儀式 ,此儀式的啟動,象徵醫院對外醫療合作的發展又邁出一大步!王宇梁局長發言肯定我院過去對南京監獄的醫療合作,表態省監獄管理局對此“專用病房”合作專案的全力支持,希望南京周邊6個監獄參照明基醫院與南京監獄的成功模式,加強與明基醫院的合作,做好後續服刑病患轉入“專用病房”治療的後勤保障,同時希望各工作警員在明基醫院提供的優質的醫療服務與醫療環境中,能加強自我管理,注意警貌,將此合作打造成全國的典範。




Opening ceremony for Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Prisons’ dedicated ward held in Nanjing BenQ Medical Center

On the morning of the June 12, Nanjing BenQ Medical Center held a ceremony marking the official opening of a special ward dedicated for the use of the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Prisons. The ceremony signified a milestone in Nanjing BenQ Medical Center's development of health care partnerships with outside institutions. The Bureau’s director, Wang Yu-liang expressed praise for the collaboration between his institution and Nanjing BenQ Medical Center, stating that the Bureau fully supported the project. He said that his hope was that the six prisons in the vicinity of Nanjing would take note of the successful approach embodied by the collaboration, strengthening their own level of cooperation and preparing adequate logistical support for transferring medical prisoners to the ward. At the same time, he hopes that police officers performing various duties related to the ward will, while appreciating the excellent medical services and environment provided by Nanjing BenQ Medical Center, appropriately manage their behavior, pay attention to etiquette, and help make the collaboration between the two institutions a model for similar projects nationwide.

Pre-service clinical training at Nanjing BenQ Medical Center for 2015 concludes

On June 19, the pre-service clinical training at Nanjing BenQ Medical Center for the year concluded. Twenty-four clinical medicine interns from Nanjing University and Southeast University School of Medicine, along with 20 foreign interns, participated in the two-day training course.

An overview of the hospital, its rules and regulations, procedures for writing patient histories and maintaining their quality, routine patient care procedures, operating room practices, and CPR technique were all covered in detail, not only to deepen the interns' sense of responsibility, but also to reinforce proper clinical techniques. The training will enable the interns to adapt to their new roles when they begin work and continually enhance their clinical skills, providing a fitting conclusion to their internships, during which they have built a solid foundation of professional know-how.

Nanjing BenQ Medical Center holds successful materials management workshop

On June 14, a workshop on materials management was held at Nanjing BenQ Medical Center. The event was organized by the resource management department of the Operations Center. Administrative units throughout Nanjing BenQ Medical Center whose work involves materials management—such as resources units, general services, building management, storerooms, and medical engineering—all responded positively to the workshop.

Nanjing BenQ Medical Center holds contest on intravenous catheter handling

In order to provide a demonstration of procedures for handling intravenous catheters, improve nurses’ skills, and ensure the safety and effectiveness of intravenous administration of medicines, Nanjing BenQ Medical Center’s Department of Nursing held our intravenous catheter needle handling competition for the first half of 2015 on the afternoons of June 25 and 26. The contest provided excellent training and the opportunity to improve in areas such as psychological control, professional principles, and proper etiquette. The contest also further ingrained a nursing ethos of putting the patient first, encouraging nurses to use sophisticated techniques to make the ideal of patient-centered health care a reality.

