2015年7月13日 星期一
榮耀捷報!BenQ投影機連兩年獲台灣區讀者文摘信譽品牌金牌獎 (BenQ projectors win Trusted Brand gold medal from Reader’s Digest Asia for second year running)
BenQ榮獲2015亞洲讀者文摘「信譽品牌 (Trusted Brand 2015)」台灣地區家用投影機類金牌獎,也是連續兩年獲此殊榮。BenQ 在投影機領域中耕耘多年,更為家用投影機第一品牌。近期從消費者行為模式觀察發現,很多夫妻在不同的婚姻關係狀態下會面臨到不同的問題,因此今年定出「愛很簡單,從投開始」行銷主軸,邀請新手爸爸藍正龍、時尚知性張鈞甯擔任年度代言人,拍攝「愛很簡單 從投開始 」微電影三部曲,其系列影片獲得2015 年第1季「YouTube 台灣最成功廣告影片排行榜」第三名,影片點閱率超過550萬次。BenQ希望以最貼近消費者的生活故事透過投影機,讓對方感受到自己的關心,重拾戀愛時彼此開心甜蜜的感覺,讓夫妻之間雖然是家人的關係,也要時時保有戀人的甜蜜。
BenQ has won a Trusted Brand 2015 gold medal in the home projectors category from Reader's Digest Asia, marking the second year in a row that we have been so honored. BenQ has been dedicated to the projector segment for many years, establishing ourselves as the #1 brand for home projectors. For this year's marketing theme, we drew on the observation that many married couples encounter different problems that are characteristic of the phase they have reached in their marriage, creating scenarios of how projectors can play a role in enhancing married life. We invited a popular local actor and actress to serve as this year’s spokespeople, and produced a three-part short film. The film series won third place in YouTube’s ranking of Taiwan’s most successful advertising videos for the first quarter of 2015, in addition to racking up more than 5.5 million views. BenQ’s hope is that projectors can be used by a couple to share life experiences closest to them and help spouses feel each other's caring, reviving the joy and sweetness of the beginning of a love relationship. In that way, couples can maintain romance in their marriage.
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