BQde – IFA Preview Munich (July 02)
針對IFA preview press event,BQde 特別邀請賽車手Thomas Kramwinkel 站台。
Thomas Kramwinkel身兼真實賽車選手(BattleBoyZ Racing Team)與專業虛擬賽車選手Pro-SimRace-Gamer (Euronics team) 雙重身分,
一身BenQ量身打造賽車服勁裝吸引媒體採訪,於現場親自向媒體示範BenQ XR3501 所帶來賽車遊戲身歷其境的感受。
現場整套Racing Demo kit設置由BQE / BQde / Sim-Race system 共同合作,之後整套設備除了在第2場IFA Preview (Hamburg)會再次展演之外,
整套賽車Demo kit也會巡迴歐洲各大發表活動 (但配合的賽車遊戲會根據當地co-op調整,目前主要會是著重在NFS/Project Car/Sim-Racing)
6月底時,XR3501亦於BQes Gamergy 2015 event 與F1 project car合作,於現場開放玩家 / 媒體 / 知名Sim-Racer車手/ 知名Youtuber進行體驗。
其中最知名的Sim-Racer車手為Jesús Sicilia (Twitter: @SICI15, Pilot Iberica Racing Team, GT ACADEMY 2012 National Champion and European runner)
• Nestor García (Twitter: @NestorGV91, Pilot Iberica Racing Team, Gold Helmet Award 2012. Clio GT World Cup Online Finalist 2013 and 2014 GT Academy)
• Pepo de las Heras(Twitter: @xpepo4x, Pilot)
• Digiprost (Twitter:@Digiprost, Well-known racer, very popular. He made the MasterClass of Project Cars to the visitants)
• BQes同樣也邀請了兩位在twitter上非常火紅的Youtubers @Tonacho & @outconsumer,其中@Tonacho是擅長以Minecraft遊戲(亦支援21:9)創作個人影片的知名影音部落客,之後亦可期待後續合作 -- XR3501 21:9 Curved視野是否能為他的Minecraft遊戲影音創作帶來新的火花。
XR3501 curved gaming monitor launch, including award received during IFA Preview events in Munich and Hamburg in Germany
XR3501 curved gaming monitor launch during Gamergy game event in Madrid, Spain
Parallel to the competition, within the driving area, BenQ put another color note Gamergy riding a simulator with three screens. But not everyone some screens, mounted new XR3501 curved monitors in 21: 9 format and 144Hz . These displays allow an absolute immersion as they could corroborate our pilots and all attendees during the weekend.
Congratulations and thanks to BenQ Iberica by a unique product on the market, designed for gamers and simracers experts.