2015年7月12日 星期日
BenQ China “輕奢影院”W1350新品鑒賞會空降廣州 (Live demo event for BenQ China’s W1350 projector takes place in Guangzhou)
6月9日,“輕奢影院,大放‘亮’彩”BenQW1350新品鑒賞會空降廣州。這款為影音愛好者、發燒友、硬體控及數碼達人精心打造的專業級Full HD全高清3D家庭影院投影機W1350正式亮相,產品精湛的色彩效果得到了到場媒體和經銷商夥伴的認可與一致好評!
On June 9, BenQ held a live demo event in Guangzhou featuring the new W1350 projector. This pro-level Full HD 3D home theater projector was meticulously crafted for multimedia enthusiasts, early adopters, hardware aficionados, and digital technology fans. The event resulted in unanimous praise from the media outlets providing coverage and from distribution partners.
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