2015年7月20日 星期一
BenQ亞太業務區家用投影機行銷活動開跑 (BQP launched the key campaign for W1070+/W1080ST+ home video projector in Q2 – Reconnect your family with home video projector)
BenQ亞太業務區邀請經銷夥伴參觀台北電腦展 (BQP Private Product Demo Tour during Computex)
BenQ BL系列顯示器獲歐洲多國媒體好評 (BenQ BL-series monitors good reviews in Europe)
BenQ BL系列顯示器獲歐洲多國媒體好評,荷蘭網站評價BL2420PT為傑出表現獎,而羅馬尼亞也在電子產品相關節目中介紹。BL3201PT則是在英國網站中或得好評。
2015年7月17日 星期五
BenQ與歐洲通路夥伴互動交流 (BenQ partner event in Spain & Germany )
2015年7月16日 星期四
BenQ在歐洲參加多場電競活動 (BenQ gaming monitor product sponsoring in Europe)
BenQ在歐洲參加多場電競活動,包括義大利Milano Video Game show、Drako Gaming House、Carrara Comics and Games Show,瑞典、波蘭等地,並贊助電競產品做為比賽機種,增強與電競玩家的連結。
BenQ 曲面電競螢幕在歐洲電競活動亮相 (BenQ XR3501 curved gaming monitor launch at Europe)
BQde – IFA Preview Munich (July 02)
針對IFA preview press event,BQde 特別邀請賽車手Thomas Kramwinkel 站台。
Thomas Kramwinkel身兼真實賽車選手(BattleBoyZ Racing Team)與專業虛擬賽車選手Pro-SimRace-Gamer (Euronics team) 雙重身分,
一身BenQ量身打造賽車服勁裝吸引媒體採訪,於現場親自向媒體示範BenQ XR3501 所帶來賽車遊戲身歷其境的感受。
現場整套Racing Demo kit設置由BQE / BQde / Sim-Race system 共同合作,之後整套設備除了在第2場IFA Preview (Hamburg)會再次展演之外,
整套賽車Demo kit也會巡迴歐洲各大發表活動 (但配合的賽車遊戲會根據當地co-op調整,目前主要會是著重在NFS/Project Car/Sim-Racing)
6月底時,XR3501亦於BQes Gamergy 2015 event 與F1 project car合作,於現場開放玩家 / 媒體 / 知名Sim-Racer車手/ 知名Youtuber進行體驗。
其中最知名的Sim-Racer車手為Jesús Sicilia (Twitter: @SICI15, Pilot Iberica Racing Team, GT ACADEMY 2012 National Champion and European runner)
• Nestor García (Twitter: @NestorGV91, Pilot Iberica Racing Team, Gold Helmet Award 2012. Clio GT World Cup Online Finalist 2013 and 2014 GT Academy)
• Pepo de las Heras(Twitter: @xpepo4x, Pilot)
• Digiprost (Twitter:@Digiprost, Well-known racer, very popular. He made the MasterClass of Project Cars to the visitants)
• BQes同樣也邀請了兩位在twitter上非常火紅的Youtubers @Tonacho & @outconsumer,其中@Tonacho是擅長以Minecraft遊戲(亦支援21:9)創作個人影片的知名影音部落客,之後亦可期待後續合作 -- XR3501 21:9 Curved視野是否能為他的Minecraft遊戲影音創作帶來新的火花。
BenQ家用投影機在歐洲與電影合作行銷 (Home projectors promoted in pan-European campaign based on DVD release of movie ‘Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb’)
BenQ與二十世紀福斯共同舉辦行銷活動,讓英國、德國、法國和瑞典的消費者能夠在家享受博物館驚魂夜。促銷機種包括W1070、W1070+、W1070+W、W1080ST+、W1350、W1400 與W7500等。
2015年7月13日 星期一
護眼大型液晶新品上市 不閃屏、低藍光、廣色域、大尺寸 一次到位 (New eye-protective flat-panel TVs debut, bringing flicker-free, low blue light, wide color gamut, big-screen viewing to the living room)
身處多屏世代,過度用眼所導致的眼睛疲勞、眼疾等問題引發現代社會高度關注,關心消費者眼睛健康的 BenQ 在護眼大型液晶獲得超高評價與市場口碑後,護眼科技再升級,於今年6月推出全新護眼廣色域AW與GW系列— 50吋至65吋大型液晶,其中AW系列更榮獲德國TUV萊因不閃屏與SGS低藍光雙認證。 BenQ研發之面板迴路穩定不閃屏技術,可使電流穩定畫面不閃爍,進一步有效減少長時間注視螢幕帶來的眼睛疲勞,透過低藍光護眼技術,降低傷害眼睛的藍光,減少光波的刺激。獨家「廣色域黑湛屏」的鮮明原色提供使用者最頂級的視覺饗宴,不但可顯示更豐富的色彩數,在層次與對比也有極佳的表現,極致優化影像品質,展現完美畫質。
BenQ四大新品齊發 積極搶進公共資訊顯示應用市場 (BenQ introduces four major new products targeting public information display market)
為因應大型公共顯示器快速成長,BenQ推出一系列軟硬整合方案,滿足大型展演、商場百貨、交通運輸及教育領域需求。如:BenQ可換式鏡頭高亮專業投影機PX9210,可搭配5種可換式鏡頭使用,靈活安裝外,具備高亮度高流明的卓越畫質;另外55吋超高解析度4K/2K智慧數位電子看板,內建Android™作業系統及BenQ X-Sign應用軟體,靈活的編排播放功能,適合商家使用;而極窄邊框商用顯示器PL550適合車站、企業、大型商場等需長時間使用場所,拼接觸僅3.5mm極窄邊框,不論是電視牆或是單片顯示都呈現極致美感;至於79吋4K護眼觸控顯示器RP790,內建Android™作業系統,無需外接電腦或是其他播放設備,可直接播放文件、圖片或影片,並支援同時10點觸控互動,非常適合企業內部開會及教育電子白板。
專業音樂人也推薦的好音響 treVolo靜電藍牙揚聲器 (Professional musicians recommend treVolo electrostatic Bluetooth speakers for their excellent audio)
知名唱片公司音樂人好評推薦,treVolo靜電藍牙揚聲器,呈現錄音室般的聽覺享受。使用靜電薄膜科技,中高音清透自然 ; 獨特雙翼設計,雙面發聲音場寬闊,不論聆聽藍調爵士、木吉他演奏,都能聽見樂器豐富的層次,和原音重現的感動。
BenQ 大型液晶新品體驗會 最新力作 護眼廣色域 AW與GW系列 (BenQ's new AW and GW large-screen flat-panel TV series featured at product tryout event)
多元的頻道選擇與多樣化的聯網娛樂應用,讓許多人黏在電視機前面的時間越來越長,一直以來關心消費者眼睛健康的 BenQ 繼護眼大型液晶產品獲得高評價與市場好口碑後,不僅升級原有的獨家護眼科技,再導入全新廣色域面板技術,於2015年6月推出全新力作,呵護健康視線同時享受更精采的視界。體驗會出席媒體共有新視聽、PC Home、Mobile 01、自由時報電子報、iCool3C 愛酷科技等10家12人。
BenQ 79吋高解析度觸控顯示器 智慧教室互動新利器 (BenQ 79" high-resolution touch display is ideal tool for interactive classrooms)
BenQ 新品79吋高解系度觸控顯示器 RP790,是智慧教室/會議室最佳互動設備,也是全球唯一通過低藍光、防眩光的雙重護眼認證的大型觸控顯示器。6月24日獲邀參加由南港國小舉辦的「 iLeader 智慧學校ING與未來論壇」,並由南港國小教師現場運用 RP790 ,搭配智慧型手機、平板、無線網路環境,與學生進行一場智慧教室教學展演活動,讓現場近300位台北市教育局官員、大學教授、各校教師代表,體驗一場別開生面的教學體驗!
榮耀捷報!BenQ投影機連兩年獲台灣區讀者文摘信譽品牌金牌獎 (BenQ projectors win Trusted Brand gold medal from Reader’s Digest Asia for second year running)
BenQ榮獲2015亞洲讀者文摘「信譽品牌 (Trusted Brand 2015)」台灣地區家用投影機類金牌獎,也是連續兩年獲此殊榮。BenQ 在投影機領域中耕耘多年,更為家用投影機第一品牌。近期從消費者行為模式觀察發現,很多夫妻在不同的婚姻關係狀態下會面臨到不同的問題,因此今年定出「愛很簡單,從投開始」行銷主軸,邀請新手爸爸藍正龍、時尚知性張鈞甯擔任年度代言人,拍攝「愛很簡單 從投開始 」微電影三部曲,其系列影片獲得2015 年第1季「YouTube 台灣最成功廣告影片排行榜」第三名,影片點閱率超過550萬次。BenQ希望以最貼近消費者的生活故事透過投影機,讓對方感受到自己的關心,重拾戀愛時彼此開心甜蜜的感覺,讓夫妻之間雖然是家人的關係,也要時時保有戀人的甜蜜。
BenQ Taiwan BenQ 智慧藍光螢幕「兩光實驗室」瘋狂開張 (BenQ Taiwan uses Twin Light Lab to demonstrate how BenQ smart low blue light monitors protect eyes)
BenQ Taiwan護眼心進化,最新智慧藍光螢幕兩光實驗大解密 (BenQ Taiwan advances eye protection in newest monitors, creates lab to show how)
「兩光實驗室」BenQ最新護眼螢幕EW2755ZH/ EW2445ZH 於六月正式在台銷售,為了讓更多消費者了解藍光有兩種,特別開立了「兩光實驗室」,以幽默詼諧的方式來傳遞長波藍光比短波藍光對人眼更友善。影片以兩位瘋狂博士進行一連串"長的比較好"的實驗,最終證明BenQ智慧藍光螢幕對眼睛就是好,影片自六月底開始,一連三支,敬請期待。
明基醫院蘇州院區消息 (Suzhou BenQ Medical Center news)
蘇州院區急診大量病患沉著應對 彰顯明基急診效率傑出
明基醫院南京院區消息 (Nanjing BenQ Medical Center news)
6月12日上午,南京院區隆重舉辦江蘇省監獄管理局南京明基醫院“專用病房”啟用儀式 ,此儀式的啟動,象徵醫院對外醫療合作的發展又邁出一大步!王宇梁局長發言肯定我院過去對南京監獄的醫療合作,表態省監獄管理局對此“專用病房”合作專案的全力支持,希望南京周邊6個監獄參照明基醫院與南京監獄的成功模式,加強與明基醫院的合作,做好後續服刑病患轉入“專用病房”治療的後勤保障,同時希望各工作警員在明基醫院提供的優質的醫療服務與醫療環境中,能加強自我管理,注意警貌,將此合作打造成全國的典範。
身歷其境暢快電競BenQ推全球最大曲率電競螢幕 (BenQ launches the world’s first curved gaming monitor)
2015年7月12日 星期日
BenQ投影機連兩年獲台灣區讀者文摘信譽品牌金牌獎 (BenQ projectors win award from Reader’s Digest for second consecutive year)
BenQ榮獲2015亞洲讀者文摘「信譽品牌 (Trusted Brand 2015)」台灣地區家用投影機類金牌獎,也是連續兩年獲此殊榮。BenQ希望以最貼近消費者的生活故事透過投影機,讓對方感受到自己的關心,重拾戀愛時彼此開心甜蜜的感覺,讓夫妻之間雖然是家人的關係,也要時時保有戀人的甜蜜。
BenQ China【2015青山計畫 三尖山毅行】BenQer最棒最精彩!(BenQ China’s mountaineering event shows why BenQers are the best and most exciting)
6月13日清晨,BQC的主管們抵達浙江臨安的三尖山腳下,開始了簡單的行走。近三十公里的距離, 我們用一天的時間,兩行腳印,證明自己就是那位超越自我的勝利者之一!十一個多小時的連續行走,世界不會因此而改變,但卻會篆刻在我們每個毅行者的生命裡,我們不會因它而富有,卻能因此更堅強!堅持,讓我們每個人的步伐都會邁得鏗鏘、果毅。
BenQ PointWrite互動教學解決方案進入日本小學 (MW853UST Case Study Sharing_Tokyo Community School)
"Writing on BenQ's interactive whiteboard feels just like writing on a regular whiteboard. I especially like the pen - it makes me feel like I've found a new favorite fountain pen." ---Chikara Ichikawa, Tokyo Community School Principal and Research Producer.
Tokyo Community School is a nonprofit corporation that runs a full-day school for children in grade school. They installed a smart whiteboards from BenQ Japan when they moved to their current school building in September 2014. Kazuyuki Kubo, Board Chairman of Tokyo Community School and Chikara Ichikawa, the Principal, discussed their experiences with installing and using a BenQ interactive projector.
Profiles of the Board Chairman and Principal
Kazuyuki Kubo's Profile
Founder and Board Chairman of Tokyo
Community School, a nonprofit corporation
President of Global Partners Inc.
Associate Professor and full-time graduate
school lecturer at Business Breakthrough
University Inc.
Mr. Kubo has brought his extensive experience in practical teaching at all levels from preschool to grade school, junior high, senior high, university, graduate school and professionals to bear in researching, developing, implementing and spreading lessons intended to help raise globally-competitive Japanese citizens. In recent years he has turned his focus to elementary education in particular, and he enthusiastically supports research-based learning and the introduction and implementation of the International Baccalaureate in Japan.
Chikara Ichikawa's Profile
Tokyo Community High School Principal and Research Producer Moved to the USA in 1990 and spent 13 years managing a tutoring school for the children of Japanese expatriates. After returning to Japan in 2003, he made waves by writing "Eigo wo Kodomo ni Oshieru na (Don't teach Children English)" (Chuo Shinsho Laclef), an influential book about the difficulty of raising bilingual children that drew from his real-life experiences. In August 2004 he was appointed as the first principal of the Tokyo Community School. He continues his research and experiments into what it takes to develop the “heart for research” needed to live boldly and flexibly in a global age. His books "Kenkyuu suru Chikara (The power to research)" (Chi no Kenkyuusha) and "Sensei! (Teacher!)" (Iwanami Shinsho, ed: Akira Ikegami) are highly regarded not only in the educational world but also by researchers and businessmen. He is a TED x Tokyo2013 presenter. He has gone by the affectionate nickname "Occhan (Uncle)”since he was a child.
Tokyo Community School: making cutting-edge education a reality
Please tell us more about the Tokyo Community School.
This school was founded in 2004 as a full-day school for children in grade school. At present we have 24 students, most of whom have been studying here since first grade. The education provided here is based on what we call “research-based learning”. Instead of pounding information into students' heads, we believe the main purpose of education is to teach students to use their brains in globally-competitive ways. There is a movement under way to put this style of active learning in place from the university level onwards, but here we start teaching that way from the first grade.
How Tokyo Community School is using its interactive whiteboard
How does Tokyo Community School use its interactive whiteboard?
Practical use 1 - Storing learned material as data
In order to intensify the learning process, we try to write down and record what the children say as faithfully as possible. When children see their own opinions written down, they gain more confidence and become more enthusiastic about speaking up. That's why we needed something that felt the same as a whiteboard but that could also store data. Since words written on an interactive whiteboard can be turned into data, they can be stored on a Google drive and shared with all the children. Since they view and review this data at any time, they don't need to spend time taking notes during lessons.
Practical use 2 - Reusing past lessons
We can use an iPad to transfer whiteboard data from past lessons to the interactive whiteboard, add new things we have learned and use them as learning material. One child in the 4th grade suggested pasting the material in Keynote. Now he's using the whiteboard data to study, with his own modifications.
Practical use 3 - Sharing lessons
During lessons, experiments filmed with individual iPads and figures with students' opinions written on them recorded with a document camera can be projected on the interactive whiteboard. While looking at the images, students can share ideas and exchange opinions on why an experiment failed and what needs improvement in order to get better results.
Why they chose to use interactive whiteboards
Please tell us what made you decide to use interactive whiteboards in your lessons.
We decided to use IT initiatives to make active learning possible here. We've had the opportunity to use interactive whiteboards in mock lessons at other schools before, but they were hard to use and didn't seem very practical. So we had all but concluded that they weren't ready to be used in school settings, but then we got the chance to try BenQ's interactive projector, and we thought, "This is it. We can definitely use this in our lessons." It's only been two months since installation, but the children just keep coming up with all kinds of ideas as they use it.
Challenges they faced before installing the BenQ interactive whiteboard
What kind of teaching style did you have before you installed the BenQ interactive whiteboard?
At first we just wrote normally on both black and white boards. Of course, the space for writing was limited, so we had to erase the older stuff as we wrote. Then we decided to use sheets of imitation Japanese paper instead. This worked out pretty well because we could always refer to past lessons. The children could study them and form new thoughts about the material too. However it took time to put up and change the sheets of paper. The time loss was fairly large. We went through a lot of trial and error in trying to come up with good lessons.
The criteria used for selecting a BenQ interactive whiteboard
Why did you choose BenQ interactive projector when you decided to adopt an interactive whiteboard?
Selection criteria 1. High cost performance
We had used interactive whiteboards in business training before, but we thought they were so expensive we couldn't adopt them. However when we moved the school, we took the opportunity to reconsider the matter. After doing a lot of research, we found out that although BenQ was a foreign manufacturer, its products were highly-rated on Japanese word-of-mouth websites. They were consistently at the top of the user rankings. Our minimum standard was a brightness of 3000 lumens or more for usage in a bright classroom, and this projector had better cost performance than similar products.
Selection criteria 2. The electronic pen's performance
I really like BenQ's electronic pen. It lets me write at the same speed as with a whiteboard. It's surprising how quickly I can write with it. I feel like I've found a new favorite fountain pen. I occasionally use pens from other companies when doing public lessons with interactive whiteboards from other companies, but they can never keep up with my writing speed. There's a lag before what I’m writing appears on the board, and depending on the angle of the pen some things might not appear at all. What's more they're not just heavy but they also have a terrible battery life. BenQ's interactive whiteboard pens are just the right weight and the batteries can easily last a whole week.
Selection criteria 3. Support for Apple produ
BenQ met one of our requirements, which was to support Apple products. Maybe being a company based overseas let them do this when other companies could not. We held face-to-face discussions with Japanese interactive whiteboard manufacturers and told them we wanted to use Apple TV, MacBooks and iPads in our lessons, but none of them supported Apple products.
Why BenQ's interactive whiteboard is perfect for learning initiatives
So what do you think of the BenQ interactive whiteboard? Do you have a message for any schools thinking of installing one?
The Japanese government has introduced the International Baccalaureate program in 200 schools nationwide. In the future, education that teaches children to use their brains and that values the ability to think and express oneself over the mere acquisition of knowledge will be in increasingly high demand. The methods use to strengthen such skills are fundamentally similar whether they're carried out at the elementary, university or professional level. The BenQ interactive whiteboard is extremely well-suited as a tool for the “learning to use your brain” style of education we practice. We hold public lessons, so I would encourage any educators thinking of installing BenQ interactive whiteboards to visit one of the lessons and see a board in use for themselves.
BenQ China “輕奢影院”W1350新品鑒賞會空降廣州 (Live demo event for BenQ China’s W1350 projector takes place in Guangzhou)
6月9日,“輕奢影院,大放‘亮’彩”BenQW1350新品鑒賞會空降廣州。這款為影音愛好者、發燒友、硬體控及數碼達人精心打造的專業級Full HD全高清3D家庭影院投影機W1350正式亮相,產品精湛的色彩效果得到了到場媒體和經銷商夥伴的認可與一致好評!
BenQ China護眼二代顯示器全國媒體見面會陸續開展 (BenQ China holds media meet-up events for second-generation Eye-care monitors)