2013年8月12日 星期一
BenQ雙燈高亮影院工程投影機TP4940獲中國廣電總局品質認定 (BenQ’s dual-lamp high-luminance TP4940 projector receives quality certification from China’s State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television)
伴隨文化惠民工程日益展開及影視產業蓬勃發展,大大小小的影院逐漸在中國遍地開花。除了上規模耗鉅資興建的豪華影城,深入城鄉角落乃至走入社區的中小型放影廳也為豐富中國百姓文化生活發揮重要作用。全球投影機產業領導品牌BenQ繼成功推出雙燈高亮小型影院專用投影機TP4940之後,日前再獲喜訊,BenQ TP4940在由中國國家廣電總局科技司所主導的廣播影視系統設備品質認定中,順利通過高標準品質體系檢查與性能測試並獲得廣電總局所頒的品質認證。
As cultural facilities become more ubiquitous and China’s local film and TV industries flourish, large and small cinemas are gradually proliferating all over China. Besides the luxury cinemas with their expansive scale and large investment, more modest theaters in smaller communities and rural areas are enriching people’s lives and cultural sensibilities. As owner of a world-leading projector brand, BenQ successfully introduced the dual-lamp TP4940 projector designed especially for smaller cinemas. Recently, we heard some good news, as the projector has received accreditation from China’s State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television after passing stringent quality evaluations and performance testing.
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