BenQ GP3是BenQ China Q2的重點推廣機型,所以我們在第一時間將機器給到了各重點IT媒體評測和深入合作,這款被媒體譽為功能最全面的娛樂明星無疑成為了便攜投影機行業的首推產品。媒體通過硬廣,產品文章,應用文章及體驗活動將GP3無線便攜,多平臺互聯等特色通過不同的方式淋漓盡致的表現出來,成為消費者便攜投影機的首選。
The GP3 projector model was a focus of BenQ China’s promotional efforts during Q2, so we provided test units early on to key IT media for reviews and collaborative efforts. The GP3, which the media has called out as the entertainment device with the most comprehensive functionality, has undoubtedly become the most highly recommended in the mobile projector industry. Through advertising, in-depth articles, hands-on reports, and media events, the GP3’s wireless connectivity, portability, multi-platform compatibility and other appealing features have been amply communicated, and as a result it has become consumers’ first choice for mobile projectors.
2013年8月12日 星期一
BenQ微投GP3 中國IT垂直媒體推廣小結 (BenQ GP3 mini projector gets promotional push in China’s IT media)
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