BenQ 台灣區參與電腦應用展
- BenQ樂一下,炎炎夏日盡享智慧快樂科技新品
- 新品「電視上網精靈」首賣,智慧生活一插升級,網路影音享不完
- 超人氣不閃屏液晶顯示器抽平板,三坪投影機買就送3D眼鏡,數位自拍相機送時尚手腕帶組
- BenQ helped visitors to the exhibition get their minds off the torrid summer heat with “cool” deals on new smart technology-enhanced products
- BenQ’s new JD-130 Internet connectivity wizard for televisions provides an instant upgrade to digital lifestyles. Simply plug it in and you can enjoy an endless supply of online video and audio.
- Those buying BenQ’s popular flicker-free LCD monitor were entered into a drawing for a tablet. Those opting to buy a short-throw projector received 3D glasses, while those choosing BenQ’s self-portrait camera received a stylish wrist strap.