裕信汽車台北土城展示間換新裝!原使用傳統照明的裕信汽車展示間,於今年六月底全面改裝,汰換掉傳統CCFL、鹵素燈及螢光燈管,改而採用BenQ節能LED照明方案。評估汽車展示間的需求,最重要的是整廠陳列空間挑高、並須有高亮度照明,以突顯汽車本體的高級質感。BenQ深入了解裕信汽車的需求後,為其規畫了一系列美型LED燈,使用BenQ LED崁燈取代原本的鹵素燈、HQI等燈具,漂亮的光型更能帶出裕信汽車尊爵的車體設計,提升整體展示間的設計感,給予賓客一個舒適的試乘空間,更棒的是,BenQ的節能照明方案,預計將為裕信汽車土城展示間,節省一年超過15萬元的電費!真正體恤客戶需求,節能愛地球。
Yu Shin Motor Car’s showroom in New Taipei City’s Tucheng District has been renovated. In late June, BenQ’s power-saving LED lighting solution was installed to replace the traditional illumination used in the showroom, such as conventional cold cathode fluorescent lights and halogen lamps. In assessing the automobile showroom’s requirements, the most important consideration was the display space’s high ceiling, which meant illumination with high luminance was essential to fully bring out the elegant looks of the cars. After coming to a thorough understanding of Yu Shin’s requirements, BenQ planned out a complete set of beautiful LED lighting fixtures using BenQ LED lamps to replace existing illumination devices. The aesthetically pleasing light accentuates the lines and contours of Yu Shin’s cars, and enhances the overall sense of design sophistication in the showroom, while giving visitors a comfortable environment for experiencing the cars. Moreover, BenQ’s lighting solution is projected to save Yu Shin over NTD150,000 in electricity costs for its showroom in just one year. The project demonstrates that BenQ not only empathizes with customer needs, but that the energy efficiency of its solution is helping preserve the environment.