2013年7月14日 星期日
為電競而生 BenQ外設助力中國TGA大獎賽明星見面會 (Born to game—BenQ organizes “meet the stars” event at China’s Tencent Games Arena tournament)
日前,由BenQ主辦的“BenQ為電競而生TGA大獎賽明星見面會” 在上海長寧區BenQ大廈舉辦,除力邀白鯊、小蒼、Alex等多位電競明星到場助陣,與廣大粉絲展開精彩互動以外,更在現場展示了多款明星旗艦產品。其中BenQ針對遊戲玩家推出的一系列機械鍵盤也悉數到場!
Recently, BenQ held a fan meeting event in Shanghai during the Tencent Games Arena gaming tournament. For the event, BenQ invited gaming stars such as “White Shark” and Alex to make a personal appearance, giving their many fans a chance to interact with them in person. In addition, the venue also featured a number of BenQ’s flagship gaming-oriented products, including a series of mechanical keyboards designed especially for gameplay.
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