2013年7月14日 星期日
BenQ台灣數位相機進駐校園 (BenQ Taiwan takes photography courses to campuses)
「BenQ好攝學園」自6/22起於台北、台中、台南、高雄一連舉辦四場「翻轉吧!G1 校園唯美系寫真」免費攝影課程,為今年暑假揭開序幕。「翻轉吧!G1 校園唯美系寫真」特別邀請到台灣知名女性攝影師Maggie及新銳攝影師Ego擔任講師,課程全程免費,名額有限,每場次只收取前20名優先報名者歐!現場還有免費贈品贈送!心動了嗎?快立即報名:http://goo.gl/vYshV
The BenQ Photo Club provided four free photography classes—in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung, respectively—beginning on 22 June, getting summer vacation off to a great start. The classes featured the G1 self-portrait camera, and BenQ also invited well-known Taiwanese photographer Maggie and rising young photographer Ego to serve as lecturers. The classes were completely free, with enrollment limited to the first 20 people who registered, and enrollees also received a gift for attending.
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